Basil is an eight year old male Cross breed who survived as a street dog in Sarejevo until he was hit by a car and left lying in the road in agony with a broken leg, just waiting for the next car to finish him off. In Bosnia there are few loving homes for dogs and dog catchers are employed by the state to round up and kill street dogs and the authorities have announced that Sarejevo is to be “cleansed” of 7000 neutered and peaceful street dogs.
Luckilly for Basil, someone alerted a man called Caki who devotes his life to helping these unfortunate animals and he rushed Basil to the vets where his broken leg was operated on and repaired. That was in March 2016 and since then, Basil has been kept in kennels paid for by Caki’s supporters until he was offered a place at Many Tears Animal Rescue.
Through donations, Basil was flown to Many Tears Animal Rescue in the UK where he was adopted by Susan and Geoffrey Harris in February 2017, where he has settled in quite well, happy and content with his new family and life.
“Geoff” is a Neath Rugby Season Ticket holder and Player Sponsor.
Geoff and Basil sponsor Ryan Bean:
For sponsorship opportunities please contact Gareth Howells: gareth.howells@neathrugby.wales