Following various communications to club management in recent days, we have found it necessary to provide an official statement covering the intellectual property of Neath Rugby Limited and therefore Neath RFC.
Given the current global situation, there are a number of charitable activities taking place in support of the NHS, as well as similar activity within the last 12 months for other good causes such as testicular cancer, that use the historic Maltese Cross on various merchandise that is subject to legal protection owned by Neath RFC and commercial contracts it has with third party suppliers.
For clarity, we wholeheartedly support all charitable activity, in fact actively encourage it.
Neath RFC would totally support such projects from a funding, procurement, financial governance, logistical and campaign management perspective – in partnership with the local community and our wider fan base.
We welcome direct communication to create and develop projects for the good of charity and our wider stakeholders – But we must protect our near 150 year old brand, that is one of the founding fathers of the Welsh Rugby Union, to ensure that its intellectual property is used in a coherent, professional and carefully managed manner.
Details of our protection can be found here:
Any questions surrounding this can be steered towards: contact@neathrfc.com
We thank you for your understanding
Neath RFC