Tickets are now available to purchase. Click the image below to be taken directly to the ticketing page!
Alternatively, tickets can be purchased at the The Clubhouse on a Thursday evening – Rhys Ashcroft will process any ticket orders for you.
You know where we belong. Join us on the way back up. Call the chant. Support the Welsh All Blacks and Pack the Gnoll.
Using your tickets
All tickets purchased are e-tickets which will be received via email prior to the event.
Tickets will then be scanned upon entry to the Gnoll. Season ticket cards will also be issued but the e-ticket will function your pass until the cards are issued and collected.
Cash / Card Purchases at The Clubhouse:
Call into The Clubhouse on any Thursday evening and see Rhys Ashcroft and he will process any ticket orders for you.
Season Tickets will be sent out via email and the card will be distributed from the Clubhouse. We will notify supporters by e-mail when your card is ready for collection at the clubhouse.
Season Ticket Stadium Entry:
Entry for all standard season ticket holders will be through the turnstiles at the town-end of the ground. Hospitality season ticket holders entry is via the foyer within the clubhouse.
Neath RFC Spectator Information:
With the exception of hospitality season ticket holders, entry to the Gnoll is through the turnstiles at the Town End ONLY.
Match Admission charge is £8 (all parts) with Under-16’s FREE.
Match Day Programmes will be on sale just inside the turnstiles – £1 – and contain all the teams, latest news and features.
Ground safety regulations demand that there is no standing in front of the Main Stand and supporters in this area should take their seats with the minimum of delay.
Full outside bar and catering facilities are available at The Gnoll.