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Neath RFC

Today (Tuesday) marks a very special anniversary in Welsh rugby.
For 70 years ago to the date (on December 19, 1953), Wales last beat New Zealand – by 13-8 in Cardiff.
Most rugby followers realise that Neath RFC has played a unique part in the history of the Game in Wales.
And that particular day Neath made a significant contribution to the Welsh cause for three players (or 20% of the team) were Welsh All Blacks).
Prop Courtenay Meredith, locks Rees Stephens and Roy John took their place in the front five (60% Neath !) and played out of their skins in the famous victory.
All three were British Lions and Courtenay (now 97) is happily still with us and is the oldest-living Wales international.
Also included was Swansea back-row forward R.C.C. (Clem) Thomas whose famous cross-kick set up Ken Jones’ try – it is  a little known fact that Clem, originally from Brynaman, actually started his career with Neath.
And the team was led by Cardiff centre Bleddyn Williams who played one war-time game for Neath.
A great day for Welsh rugby, a great day for Neath RFC !