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Author: F.W.C.

 Saturday 15th -  Men's Elite, with Neath RFC kicking things off at 10am and matches from the Neath Panthers added to the schedule.  Gates open at 8am  Tickets: £5 Adults £3 Ages 15-16 FREE for 14 and under Advanced Tickets here:  Breakfast served in the clubhouse and street

Happy National Blood Donor Week!️ This week, we are supporting  @WelshBloodService who are highlighting the lifesaving difference donating makes to patients and their families. Help us by sharing this message or booking a lifesaving appointment today During this week especially, we rely on

🔥 Exciting News! Neath RFC has teamed up with 'Support my Team' to launch our Grand Slam 💰 £1000 monthly prize draw! Scan the QR code or use web link below to enter. Tickets also available at the clubhouse every Thursday evening. Help

ALIVE AND KICKING - SEASON 2024/25 Spread the word, NEATH RFC is alive and kicking and a lot of work is going on behind the scenes in preparation for the 2024/25 season. Coaches Tim Ryan and Ryan Evans are looking forward to

During the summer 'break' we will be publishing a series of 'Summer Bulletins' to keep everyone updated on a regular basis.   SQUAD NEWS Neath RFC coaches Tim Ryan and Ryan Evans are busy putting the finishing touches to next year's squad in